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Celebrating 30 Years of building the
Korean community in Central Minnesota!
Dear Community Member,
After three decades of fundraising, we are finally nearing our goal to purchase our own church home. Every penny you donate will directly fund a permanent church building and cultural center for our Korean community. If you are located outside the United States, please contact our deacon, Pok Hughes 이복희 권사, 320.493.1820, for more information on how to donate to our building fund.
올해는 우리 교회가 지난 30 년간 준비해온 하나님의 성전을 마련하고자 합니다. 이성전을 통해 교회 예배 뿐만 아니라 세인트 클라우드에 있는 학생들과 한인들을 도울수 있는 섬김의 장소로 사용될 예정입니다. 함께하여 교회와 한인 지역 사회 발전에 동참해주시길 부탁 드립니다. 작은 도움이라도 큰 힘이 됩니다. 모금에 관한 자세한 정보를 원하시는 분은 이복희 권사 (320.493.1820)로 연락주시면 됩니다.
Cash or Check
Checks Payable to:
Korean Community Church of St. Cloud
Memo "Building Fund"
Mailing Address: 교회 주소
Korean Community Church of St. Cloud
336 4th Avenue South
St. Cloud, MN 56301
Donation receipt provided upon request
All donations directly fund a permanent home for our Korean community
Began as a small bible study group at a local restaurant
Officially opened a church to establish a faith-based Korean community in Central MN
To celebrate our upcoming 30th anniversary, we are fundraising to purchase our own church building
Deacon Pok Hughes 이복희 권사 320.493.1820
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